Friday, May 11, 2007

Banana is just a banana


Okay there was a great Spalding Grey Monologue - I forget which, I believe Swimming To Cambodia where he opens up with everything I'm going to tell you is true. Except the banana did not stick to the wall. We'll see if this information is important later. Maybe, who knows. So...
Had a good day as a writer again. This time...I actually wrote something besides this captivating blog. Beginning of a new play. I figure if three of my plays are going to be produced this summer - I should at least be working on something new. Because inevitably I will be asked "what are you working on now?" - I'm working on a new play it's about...I'd rather not say, it's still too new.
Been doing some Creation In Common work in NYC. It is going very well.
Happy Birthday Polly Carl - it was yesterday, but it is worth celebrating over and over again.
Asked to Dramaturg a musical for NYMF - sounds like fun.
Also, going to be an audition screener for Theater One on One. It is a networking classes for actors. Looks legitimate. I'll let you know how it goes. I like the name - I created a class called Theater One on One teaching theater thru sports. Well I like the name - and if you are looking for a theater lesson to be learned thru sports, Yankees are preparing for the fall and rise of the once and future kings. They are 16 -18. They are preparing to go on a 128 game winning streak.
NYMF - stands for New York Musical Festival.
I ran four miles
Giovanna who is directing TWO THIRDS HOME is going to a magic show in Vegas tonight. Pam Anderson is scheduled to be the Magician's assistant. I am hoping to share all the details of the show but we all know that may not happen because "what happens in Vegas..."
Oh this is an explanation for you...yes, you know who, you...
the 128 game winning streak is hyperbole - not a lie.
But I hope it sticks to the wall.

Good luck and good bowling,


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