Monday, September 15, 2008

Don't be dumb


Okay, so I haven't written in forever, but I've decided between now and the Presidential election I'll post what I can. Also, everyone is blogging - including my mother

The McCain camp keeps saying that Obama is going to raise your taxes even though all financial experts acknowledge that his plan will only raise taxes on 5% of the population. Thier VP nominee keeps saying she put the Alaskan Government Plane on Ebay - implying that is where it was sold. It was got one bid and they in turn sold it for a $600,000.00 loss. If you want to have fun join a facebook Group called 'First to bid when .........puts Air Force One on EBay." Oh - I've decided I will not mention the name of the Republican VP's name until that person says something of substance worthy of notation. Until then she is the nominee or part of the McCain campaign.

I have decided that any Republican that votes for McCain for President is dumb. I thought about it, I don't like calling people dumb, but they have to be dumb because this plan being proposed doesn't not agree with fundamental beliefs of Republicans. They are in favor of fiscal responsibility - there is no change in place for that. They respect experience and qualified personel...VP selection does not by any stretch of their imagination - have any of that. Deregulation of big business they belief in, but not NO Oversight. Which is what we've gotten and what the candidate of the Keating 5 is promising. There has been no energy policy in the last 8 years and the two current candidates promise nothing new - we will have the same problems as we have today.
The other reason they are dumb is their fight against the Government addressing Health Care Needs for fear of socialism but their full throated support of bailing government subsidized mortgaged companies as well as bailing out Investment banking firms...Privately held. You are dumb if you think it is okay to subsidize privately held financial institutions but are afraid to allow the government to address the Health Care issue in this country.
Also, you are dumb if you think the ability to hunt a moose is advantage for the highest office in the country but the ability to comprehend the politics of Pakistan as a draw back. Dumb.
People who believe in fiscal responsibility - when the current Republican administration has put us in the greatest deficit in our history.
People who believe in a small government are in denial of the fact that the current administration has made the government bigger than it has ever been - and in their own opinion - mostly ineffective.
If your view on Patriotism isn't effective by the use of Torture by this country - and vote for a man who has been tortured by our enemies in a time of war....and no longer thinks it is bad for our country to practice torture. Because he doesn't want to question to current President...upset the electorial base...and subject him to potential war crimes after he is out of office. That is a long run on idea, but the bottom line is people that vote for things they are against to only win the office - are dumb. And not Partiotic.



1 comment:

Amy said...

This morning Niall was reading to me that certain folks don't like the line item in the stimulus package that limits bonuses and other compensation for the top execs in companies who have received federal aid. Talk about dumb. Who could complain about that item. Give 'em as much money as they want - if they earn it - not if it comes out of my tax dollars - especially while teachers are being cut from my son's school.